Monday, February 28, 2011

Travis Porter!!!! ( Should I Make That Ass Clap? Will U Still Wanna Make Me Yer GF)

( that's them helping the lady un dress)
Okay; so i really like this group called Travis Porter; they are young and kinda cute. They are rappers; and i think there biggest hit was Make It Rain Bitch. Well now that I've declared myself a Backwards Feminist ( GO LURK MY OLDER POST) I wanna compare two of their songs, and let you ladies know what guys really think about you. I think sometimes we as women, make justifications or allow ourselves to be disrespected and degraded on the daily basis because the song has a good beat. How do I know this; because I'm guilty of it also. It's hard to change ya know? I'm a southern girl and most southern rap is dirty; so it's in WHITNEY'S DNA. Can my new found feminism; uproot something that makes me cringe when i stop dancing to it and actually listen to it.

The two songs are choosing are; Put it in yo mouth and Let Me Take You Out. They are really polar opposites. One song is glorifying the art of Head and the other one is talking about a good girl. I like them both; but i was left slightly confused , how they could both be by Travis porter. Now that I'm thinking about it, most artists will usually have a song encouraging you to embrace yer inner whore; but another song telling you that they really just want a good girl. I'm not trying to understand it; just explain it.

Ok Let Me take you out; is about actually liking a girl for her mind and her personality, other than her bomb head skillz. It's a cute song and I almost forgot it was by Travis Porter ( wow , they actually have respect for women!!!) From this song, i can tell that they don't like whores and they also prefer a girl who is semi independent. They don't even wanna fuck; they just wanna kinda mess around. Keeping it classy. But their is also a tent of sexism, i mean it is Travis porter lol. Their major money maker is to objectify women , and put a nice beat to it and shoot a dope azz music video. One thing that I learned from the Jersey Shore Guys is that; if they really like a girl, they WONT TRY TO HAVE SEX WITH HER WHEN THEY FIRST MEET.

Now you have Put it in yo mouth; from the title alone it skanky. But if you ask me at a different time of the day, i could be in love with this song. Very Graphic song; chances are if yer reading this, yer not a child ( hope not lol). Songs Like This are their primary money maker; and I cant even blame them. If something is making you money, why stop? The culture that we have grown up in ( 90'skids) allows this to be acceptable, and because we have no moral compass , we accept it. We gladly enjoy and embrace Being told to shake it, drop it and to suck it FOR WHAT?.

I'm not trying to change yer perceptions on this group, i actually like them a lot. They are young black men, who aren't doing anything wrong but disrespecting women on the daily basis, and its ok because we allow it to be OK. I'm a backwards feminist, and i wear it with pride, i don't know why i can go out and dance to degrading shit like this, or why i even like it. I like both songs though, Travis porter is an amazing group and you should really go check them out.
Until Next Time

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Baby Mama Or Wifey?

Me and one of my really good friends Antwanara were having a serious conversation about this; is it better to be a wife or a baby mama? On the surface most people would say wife; but really what all comes with the title of being a MRS. Let's say you marry someone who is loaded (athlete, actor, drug dealer lol) 95% of the time they will ask you to sign a prenup, which most will gladly sign. I'm not one of those women, now I'm not a gold digger, I'm smart. Why would i sign something that guarantees me nothing if you cheat on me and we divorce.  PRENUPS are sticky and i hope I'm never in the situation where I have  to sign one; because i wont.

Ok now look at the baby mama's situation; for the next 18 years she will be getting some type of child support. If you decide to marry and you do get divorced you will get alimony if you request it, but that has a limit. Men are supposed to pay their child support , and if they don't you can always have them arrested. so far, the baby mama is winning. The baby mother has so much power, if you really think about it. She can still be with the father, but she knows that if they break up, she will still be taken care of. Ok look at Lil Wayne, he has like 4 0r 5 baby mama's and they are all well taken care of. He only married one, but it didn't work out because he is Lil Wayne. Don't get it twisted, not everything is about money and being taken care of . A women should be able to go out, and get it on her own.

But what about the average girl, who doesn't have a super rich baby daddy like Lil Wayne?  I believe that the wifey option is best. Whenever you go out, you will see a young mother with a child or two, who is riding the bus or just struggling. The option of being wifey probably never presented itself, who are we to blame her for being an idiot for getting knocked with a no good trifling motherfucker's baby, or the dead beat baby daddy? I never wanna be in that situation, so if yer man isn't financially stable, don't marry him or have his babies JUST RUn AS FAST AS YOU CAN. Once you are in the cycle of having a child with someone who is unstable, it will happen again because you become comfortable with the situation.

So who wins, The Baby Mama or Wifey? it is really hard to say, and i thin it depends on the person and the situation. Just remember to always take care of yerself and make sure that,who ever the guy is that he is special enough for you to become his wife or the mother of his Big Headed Babies.
Until Next Time

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Why I'm A Backwards Feminist

I've always believed that a man is no better than a women; this is something that i believe to the core of me. i thought it was really rad, of the feminist of the past to burn their bras and basically cause hell. During that time, they had to be extreme because , how else would they be heard? Close mouths don't get fed, so they had to literally cause riots. To think of how hard it must have been, is so sad. But now things are all different, i feel like being a feminist is sexy and empowering. If you ask the average men or women who isn't informed their opinion of a feminist i guarantee it will be one of two things; they are lesbians, and are angry because they cant get a man. Excuse me, but when did wanting equal pay and fair rights make you and angry butch lesbian who, cant get a man if she tried. I'm not on a rant, this has a purpose. I 'm in intro to woman's studies, and each week i feel like the biggest hypocrite. I can't just call myself a feminist, although i would like too!!!. To me being a feminist is sexy, empowering and uber fierce.

I feel like that hoe , who shakes her ass in the club ; but she sings in the choir on Sunday and is all holy rolly. I go out with my friends and dance to some of the most raunchiest shit ( shake that monkey, like dat, some cut) Now i like the beat,and i love rap, but what does that say about me? Do women like to be objectified by rap songs; we automatically say " oh he aint talking about me, so its ok". How do we know that is true; i cant and wont stop listening to my dirty rap, it's like water, i gotta have it. I feel like a hypocrite if i was to say, yes I'm a feminist. At least I'm being honest, i would rather catch flack for that, than being a liar, who secretly loves to shake her ass to a good nasty rap song.
One of the most important things that i have learned so far, in my woman's studies class is that; over a lifetime a man will make at least 100,000 more than a women just because he is a man. That shit, is really depressing, just because he has dick and i have a vagina , he makes more than me. The logic is so wrong, most of the single parents are women. Therefore , we need to make more; let's be honest child support aint shit and some don't pay it, the women should make at least equal salary to take care of her child. The whole mindset, that a man is just better has some religious connotations. In the bible it says, the men is the head of the household and a women should submit to her husband. This way of thinking is so wrong and outdated; if this is how marriage is, then it's something that' not for me.
For the average women in America; we are judged and in some way objectified everyday, whether we realize it or not; Just watch, when you get the occasionally glance of yer breast or ass by some guy; or how you are put down by doing something that is deemed a man's job. All i can say is , I'm a backwards feminist and I'm proud. I stand up for what is wrong, and i wont let a guy dictate to me. My make up is 70% feminist, 30% dirty slut party girl.
Until Next Time

Friday, February 18, 2011


I'm staring a music only blog on tumblr; google is really pissing me off because i can't add videos or pics to any of my blog posts; so if i like tumblr a lot then this blog will also move .

The World: As Told By Whitney: Bonnaroo!!!!!!

The World: As Told By Whitney: Bonnaroo!!!!!!: "Just the mere mention of the name, and i get chills. This year i will, i repeat i will be attending the 10th anniversary of the wonderful fe..."


Just the mere mention of the name, and i get chills. This year i will, i repeat i will be attending the 10th anniversary of the wonderful festival. I'm a roo virgin, who is excited to get her cherry popped lol ( eww that's soo gross can't believe i typed it hahaha). I'm going with a few close friends, we are so excited, and we think it could be life changing .Maybe it's because were 18 and it's the first big thing we have done alone, without any parental guidance. I'm mentally preparing myself for how hot, sticky, and gross its gonna be. I pray for rain, the summers in Tennessee are scorching at best. Not being able to shower for like 5 days, is extremely Gross; i will be one of those people who pay to shower ( its 7 bucks). 7 bucks is a small price to pay, to be clean in my book.

The lineup is pretty nice; i hate people who say well, it was sooo much better last year. Hey, well if it was so much better, take yer lame ass in a time machine and go back to summer 2010, and don't ruin my time with yer complaining,. But anyway, here are some people I'm excited to see are Slim Shady Aka Eminem, Lil Wayne,Arcade Fire, Mumford and Sons, The black keys, Iron and Wine, Florence and the machine, Wiz Khalifa, J.Cole, and the smith westerns. I'm hoping to at least, get a really good seat. I'm five feet one, so I'm short. I WILL BE PISSED OFF; IF I CAN'T SEE SHIT.
The epic trip to walmart will happen a week before we go; I'm pretty sure we will spend like 500 just trying to be comfy, in bumfuck aka Manchester . This is our modern day Woodstock, and I'm excited to go. I hope to meet some crazy people, who  are out of their minds. The beauty about an outdoor music festival is; a bunch of random people who are joined together by the common love of music. I'm looking forward to camping with my best buddies, and i know this is something that we will remember forever. Tickets go on sale tomorrow at noon eastern time, so if yer in the central time it would be 11am. I'm a poor college student, so there is no way that i could pay 250 bucks all at one. I'm doing the payment plan., which is fucking awesome. It's broken down into five payments spread put over three months. The first payment is 80 bucks, and the remaining four are 50 bucks flat. I encourage every young person to go, and it's so affordable. So grab yer sunscreen, a big floppy hat and an ice cold water and jump right in.
Until Next Time

The World: As Told By Whitney: Spring Time, Is Almost Here

The World: As Told By Whitney: Spring Time, Is Almost Here: "Ahhhhhh spring time is on the horizon, and I couldn't be any happier. The beautiful trees, nice temps and i can wear flip flops again. I can..."

Spring Time, Is Almost Here

Ahhhhhh spring time is on the horizon, and I couldn't be any happier. The beautiful trees, nice temps and i can wear flip flops again. I can admit, I begin to loose my mind a bit, technically its still winter, but we are fooled by the 60 degree temps. Just because its sunny outside doesn't mean you should wear shorts, when its 60 degrees. I know that i would be cold, especially on a windy day.The return of shorts and other skimpy clothing, also means the return of the CAMELTOE. Seeing it in person, is extremely disturbing. Ladies, if you wanna wear shorts, skirts or Capri's do us all a favor, SHAVE YO LEGS MISSY. It;s just so manly to have hairy legs in the spring .

Guys wanna start skateboarding all the damn time, don't get me wrong i love guys who skateboard; but not when yer about to make me late for my class. I'm always the person stuck behind a skateboarder; the thing that gets me is that these guys actually suck ass at skateboarding. I give them their props on skateboarding; it instantly makes you sexier.Another thing that comes with the spring is, flag football, soccer, and volleyball ( and any other shit that you can do outside lol). I always get nervous that someone is gonna hit me with a spare ball; and i will get mad and turn into the incredible hulk.

The return of super cute sunglasses; if yers haven't broke yet lol. I love sunglasses they make or break yer outfit( I'm no style expert). This goes out to everyone who wear sandals, flip-flops, etc. Basically anything that shoes yer feet, GO GET THEM DONE, OR TAME THEM. I have been the victim of having gross feet, and i cant believe that i had no shame. But now I'm realizing that ugly feel are just Nassstyyyy. I'm not saying run out and get a pedicure, but just maybe put lotion and polish on them( even if yer a guy, clear polish works fine)
Finally i just wanna say that the spring is the best time of the year; school is winding down, the weather is perfect and its just a chill time.
Until Next Time

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Muse - Map of the Problematique + Lyrics

Sassy Old Broadzzzz

Sorry, i haven't posted lately, I've been busy and I'm super lazy lol. I started my new job, working in the administrative office at my college, and I've feel in love with this cool ass older Lady. As young women, we dread getting older, but why? I feel like once you reach the age of 5o plus yer a baller. You have a lot of life experiences, no damn kids and usually you truly know yourself. Well this lady named Ms. Beverly is so FUCKING COOL. I had to work with her and we got on the topic of music. I'm guessing she is most like 55-60 years old. It's so crazy because we have the exact same taste; first of all she loves Muse, which is my favorite band. She was so shocked that i liked them; I'm pretty sure she had some streryotype about me because I'm black lol but since she is such a cool old betty ,i will let it slide.

Then she told me that she loved real live music, not this manufactured shit that we listen to think beyonce, Britney spears, etc. We talked about the grammy's and she said she liked Mumford and son's which is so cool. I couldn't help but think of how much respect and admiration, that i have for this lady. She even called herself a bitch, which is something that i do often. I made her three mix c.d's and dropped them off at her office; i think she was surprised that i did it so fast. She seemed really happy and thankful; sharing the gift of good music is what i do.
Well Until Next Time

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Monthly Gift

As women, we have been blessed to get a wonderful present every month. If yer an idiot then you don't know what I'm talking about. Okay i will just say it, the yer PERIOD. The thing that ruins yer favorite pair of panties, the thing that makes you feel like death would be better at the moment. I hate it, there is nothing that i like about having a monthly period, shoving a tampon into my vag isn't my idea of a good time. Yea i know that was graphic so if I offend you, i don't give a damn.

The only thing that helps my cramps is eating insane amounts of sweet shit, that makes my AZZ swell . I prefer to eat ice cream ,and then cake. The feeling i get is magnificent. The sudden cramps that come at any random moment can be potentially embarrassing. Those sudden cramps feel like what i think a contraction would feel like; most of the time i will scream or moan in pain. The moaning always seems to sound like an orgasm and they guys are like whoa!!!, their eyes are curious and they want to know more. No buy, you dont want to know that my stomach is so hot that i can fry an egg on it, and i'm having extreme pain, is that SEXY?

When i was younger, i was always nervous that i would have an accident, in class. It happened once or twice but no one every saw because i was smart, and wore dark colors and always had a jacket one. One time in the 6th grade this girl had on a tight pleather , and she had an accident. She claimed she cut her leg, but all the girls knew that she was on her period and it just bleed down. Every girls has asked this question to her homegirl, do i have anything on my but? once you make it out of middle school you should be out of the accident stage, if not you got some real problemz.
Ive had this wonderful gift for about eleven years ( i was in da 3rd grade when i got it) and i can usually tell when its coming, and how intense it will be. Its something i will have for about another 25 to 30 years, so i better stop bitching and get a bottle of pamprin and a huge piece of cake.
Until Next Time ( I will post pics soon, google is pissing me off being annoying and shit right now)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Stop Being A Pussy, Bezzz Yer Self

 In life things are always going to be hard. Especially new thing's but part of something new is also exciting. I took a chance and came to a college that i really never thought twice about . I can;t stand people who don't take some type or risk, try something new. Don't be like everyone else!!!!!. The hardest thing is to be yourself, and not care what lame azz hoes have to say about you. Most people just front because they feel like they have to. I used to be like that, but after a while you get tired of being FAKE.

I Don't regret being myself all the time, some people say that i;m a BITCH, well maybe that's what i was born to be. I Will never apologize for how i feel or for just being me. Your true friends will always accept you, for your faults and the things that make you special. If you live your life always afraid of doing something, being alone or not taking an adventure then your not living, but merely existing. I wanna live while I'm alive ( i think that's from some lame song lol, but it sounds right), and do fun shit like, go clubbing, and to a bunch of concerts, and go creeping late night for a food run.

Until Next Time

People who post way too much personal shit on Facebook

Everyone has a few facebook friends , who post everything that they feel about everything. It gets to be really annoying after a while; let something be a mystery ever now and then. The facebook argument is way over done, and really has no point or merit. How in the hell can you have an argument behind a computer screen? that's right you just can't. An example of a way to personal status is, oh god i hope I'm not pregnant, i missed my pill, or about to go smoke a blunt and get fucked up ( when the person is like 16). A, i feel like that should be illegal, why would you want someone to know all the bad shit that you do. 

I think people like this are attention whores, they live for the instant notification that comes to their phone when someone comments on their status. It's like adrenaline to  them, trying to figure out what to say next so that everyone will think that they are hella cool. Well, i don't think your cool, and it's really fucking up my timeline. I look to facebook to save me from a boring class, and the last thing i wanna hear about is the fight you just had with your boyfriend. In an age where you can feel "connected" by posting something semi-personal , watch out. You never know who is actually seeing what you write,or how it can be used against you. The privacy laws on facebook suck anyway , so the chances are complete strangers are seeing what you post, because they have access to your profile via your apps.

The moral of the story is , don't post any PERSONAL SHIT; keep it light and funny.
Until Next Time

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thanks Youzzz

I Just wanna say thanks to those that take the time to read my shit lol. It means a lot. Here is a gift

I just saw Blue Valentine lol; i really liked this song
Until Next Time

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Blue Valentine Vs. No Strings Attached

This is my first movie comparison; i recently saw both of these movies and here are my honest opinions about both of them. I saw both of these movies with my go to girl Caitlin B. Both movies are in the romance department; one is a romantic comedy and the other is a romantic drama.
Is a movie about to 20 somethings who just happen to run- into each other and magically fall in love. They first met at summer camp . This movie follows the typical romantic comedy recipe. i think it was the number one movie for a week or two. The acting is pretty good; nothing that deserves an Oscar or anything. I laughed at a few parts but nothing really held my attention for that long. I could have talked on the phone and still predicted the ending. Maybe i didn't like it because i don't believe in love. Love is something that is manufactured by greeting card companies, it doesn't exist. So, if you believe in love and a happy ending then this is the movie for you.
This movie felt so real to me; like i was lurking on actual people's lives instead of watching a movie. I can't say enough how much this movie rocks.The acting is so real and you can tell that their is real chemistry between the two main actors, and its not generic. As I'm writing I'm changing my view point on love; i think people fall into it but they will fall out out of it eventually.This movie reflects that; it takes place in present day but is mixed with clips from the past. These clips help to explain just how these two fell in love and fell out of it. This story is the one that most people get instead of the happy go lucky No Strings Attached. Plus this movies has really good and intense sex scenes; which is always a plus hahha I'm so gross. I almost forgot to mention that both Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling are nominated for leading role Oscar's.
If you read, then you would know that i liked Blue Valentine better. Not that No Strings Attached wasn't bad, it just wasn't for me.                              
Here are the trailers; go out and see the movies, then you decide.
Until Next Time

Friends And Money

I never understood what older people meant , when they said that friends and money don't mix. Now, i understand it all so clearly. I was thinking about new topics to blog about and this kind of just came to me. Don't you always hate it when you let a friends borrow money and they DON'T PAY YOU BACK. I mean what the fuck, it was not a gift;  Pay attention to the word borrow.You don't want to ask for it back because, then you feel needy and you feel awkward asking.
It's funny when people owe you money, i swear they will try to avoid you. Even when you are in the same room and make eye contact , your so called friend wont even speak. That's cold, and i know its awkward when you don't have the money but dam at least say hi. Don't you owe me that much lol. I try and not sweat the small stuff though, i think deep down when you let someone borrow money you already know if you will get it back or not. A few of my home girls have loaned Friends money for concert tickets, and just money to their friends when they are out. Of course none of the money has been re-paid. It just really sucks to feel taken advantage of; it doesn't matter how much or how little the key is that a friends helped you out. In my book anything over 5 dollars should be paid back; times are hard and people need to learn how to pay back loaned money.
Until Next Time

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Crack Killlzzzz

There is nothing more that will ruin my day faster than seeing someones crack. I feel like your pants shouldn't be that low that they can't cover your ass. It literally makes me vomit in my mouth; i know you can feel the breeze. Now I'm not perfect, I'm sure my crack has shown a few times but I always catch myself. Ladies you never know who could be around, make sure that your ass and crack isn't hanging out. I'm taking some advice from my granny, why are your pants so tight? As women I've always wondered why we wear our clothes so tight that it starts to look badly on us. If I'm a guy, i don't want your clothes to be baggy but I also don't wanna be able to see your rolls or giant camel toe. I guess always give yourself a look over before you leave the house, if it feels to tight it probably is. With tight pants, it makes it that much easier for your shirt to stop mid way through your back, and your pants not to cover that crucial area.
Guys, I think it's especially gross when I happen to glance up and see yall's ass crack. At least a girl's crack is a little more acceptable, not a man's. A man's crack is usually longer, and most likely dirtier. Anyway, why in the hell is your crack showing? If your pants are that tight, or sagging that low that your crack shows then that is a huge TURNOFF.
I'm wrapping this up by saying the obvious; please wear clothing that fits properly and doesn't show your crack. By doing this you save yourself lots of  embarrassment.

A song that kind of relates to your AZZ AND CRACK
Until Next Time

The White Guy, The Black Girl

Yesterday I did a post on the white girl and the black guy; so it's only fair to do one on the other side of interracial dating. Usually black men frown upon black women who date outside the race. That's hilarious to me, who else are we supposed to date? When our beautiful black men only want to date white, Asian and Hispanic chicks. I really have no problem with interracial dating; but just don't bite my ass when I'm with a white guy. From my observation, a white guy usually respects a black women a lot more than a black man. He is so honored just to even be in the presence of you. To them you are their beautiful black queen; they wont admit it but they are probably feeling it.
The typical white guy who dates a black women is usually either really in touch with his back side; or is just super open with his preference for dating. The white guy is like a Paul wall type his wife is black and i feel like he has always been in touch with his black side. I remember watching a program on rap wives, and his wife said that he would never cheat and you could tell that he worshiped the ground that she walked on.
 The other type of white guy has no preference for the pussy that he gets; he is a man and loves all women. I can really respect that. Black men don't get super jealous when we date outside the race; most black men can't handle a successful black women its DA TRUTH. Personally I love all men, i call myself the "INTERNATIONAL LOVER" I don't care about your race, as long as you love me then all that other shit is irrelevant
Here is a song about black girls, by white guys i love it
Until Next Time

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The White Girl, The Black Guy

Now before you guys bite my ass about this topic; I'm pro interracial dating and I'm pretty sure my future husband will be white or Mexican. I'm loving how this is becoming the everyday norm in America. Usually you can tell when a white girl is dating a black guy. The white girl in most cases will try her hardest to blend in with her black boyfriend; which is something that I don't understand. It starts out innocently , they began to dress alike, then comes new found accent. Dear Ms. Becky, why are you trying your hardest to sound like a soul sista. Usually you will see a group of white girls and black men at uh a bowling alley, the movies or a red lobster. These are ghetto white girls and they don't play around. Quick to start a fight if you even look at her chocolate goddess of a man. For some reason these girl's think it gives them cool points; well you don't get shit from me. I bet most girls do it to piss off their parents. Don't get me wrong, i have a few close girlfriend's who date black men and they do it because its a preference not because its cool at the present moment. The one thing that a white girl and a black guy fears is; the angry mob of black women.  If you observe this happening; you can see the black guy will try to hide his face, duck down or make a convenient trip to the bathroom. I do love the idea of freedom ; to date or sleep with whom ever you please.

Until Next Time

The Man Cry

Have you ever seen a man cry; it is a potentially awkward situation. We tend to see a man as being super manly, he shouldn't cry. Personally i have never seen a man cry, and i don't think i could handle it. I've seen my little cousin cry, but he is like 8 or 9. when my little brother used to cry; i just felt pity. That's the way i feel in general when anyone cries. The man cry tends to be either silent or really loud; there is no in between. take for example Terrell Owens; when he cries you can tell he ain't faking. His eyes are bloodshot red and you can hear his inner bitch coming out. One of my friends boyfriends has a tendency to cry a lot and i started to wonder doesn't that make him less attractive to you? I know if my guy began to cry i would leave the room; before you get all mad, i wouldn't leave if someone had died.  Let's say we got into a fight and i called him a bitch, and threatened to break up with him. I don't want to see you cry; you wont win sympathy points from me. I don't want the "sensitive " type guy. Instead call me a bitch back, and just leave with your head held high. Once you see a man cry you wont see them the same. Guys learn how to hold your shit and not cry during an argument, or movie. Girls want a macho guy,who wont embarrass her by crying over dumb shit.

Until Next Time