Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Crack Killlzzzz

There is nothing more that will ruin my day faster than seeing someones crack. I feel like your pants shouldn't be that low that they can't cover your ass. It literally makes me vomit in my mouth; i know you can feel the breeze. Now I'm not perfect, I'm sure my crack has shown a few times but I always catch myself. Ladies you never know who could be around, make sure that your ass and crack isn't hanging out. I'm taking some advice from my granny, why are your pants so tight? As women I've always wondered why we wear our clothes so tight that it starts to look badly on us. If I'm a guy, i don't want your clothes to be baggy but I also don't wanna be able to see your rolls or giant camel toe. I guess always give yourself a look over before you leave the house, if it feels to tight it probably is. With tight pants, it makes it that much easier for your shirt to stop mid way through your back, and your pants not to cover that crucial area.
Guys, I think it's especially gross when I happen to glance up and see yall's ass crack. At least a girl's crack is a little more acceptable, not a man's. A man's crack is usually longer, and most likely dirtier. Anyway, why in the hell is your crack showing? If your pants are that tight, or sagging that low that your crack shows then that is a huge TURNOFF.
I'm wrapping this up by saying the obvious; please wear clothing that fits properly and doesn't show your crack. By doing this you save yourself lots of  embarrassment.

A song that kind of relates to your AZZ AND CRACK
Until Next Time

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