Friday, February 18, 2011

Spring Time, Is Almost Here

Ahhhhhh spring time is on the horizon, and I couldn't be any happier. The beautiful trees, nice temps and i can wear flip flops again. I can admit, I begin to loose my mind a bit, technically its still winter, but we are fooled by the 60 degree temps. Just because its sunny outside doesn't mean you should wear shorts, when its 60 degrees. I know that i would be cold, especially on a windy day.The return of shorts and other skimpy clothing, also means the return of the CAMELTOE. Seeing it in person, is extremely disturbing. Ladies, if you wanna wear shorts, skirts or Capri's do us all a favor, SHAVE YO LEGS MISSY. It;s just so manly to have hairy legs in the spring .

Guys wanna start skateboarding all the damn time, don't get me wrong i love guys who skateboard; but not when yer about to make me late for my class. I'm always the person stuck behind a skateboarder; the thing that gets me is that these guys actually suck ass at skateboarding. I give them their props on skateboarding; it instantly makes you sexier.Another thing that comes with the spring is, flag football, soccer, and volleyball ( and any other shit that you can do outside lol). I always get nervous that someone is gonna hit me with a spare ball; and i will get mad and turn into the incredible hulk.

The return of super cute sunglasses; if yers haven't broke yet lol. I love sunglasses they make or break yer outfit( I'm no style expert). This goes out to everyone who wear sandals, flip-flops, etc. Basically anything that shoes yer feet, GO GET THEM DONE, OR TAME THEM. I have been the victim of having gross feet, and i cant believe that i had no shame. But now I'm realizing that ugly feel are just Nassstyyyy. I'm not saying run out and get a pedicure, but just maybe put lotion and polish on them( even if yer a guy, clear polish works fine)
Finally i just wanna say that the spring is the best time of the year; school is winding down, the weather is perfect and its just a chill time.
Until Next Time

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